Mother Nature has beaten us again. Even with all the good work our track maintenance members have put in on improving the drainage this year, the storms earlier this week and again last night have made the track too wet in a number of locations for our Autocross this Sunday. There are more showers and storms forecast for later today and showers again tomorrow. So sadly we have had to make the hard decision to cancel this Sunday’s Autocross. Our next event will be on Saturday 7 December and will be open for entries next week.
Our AGM and 70th celebrations will be incorporated within this event which also includes our annual Christmas dinner and trophy presentations.
Hope to see you all then. Greg and the IWMAC Team.
Help celebrate our Clubs 70 th year by coming out to our Autocross on 17 November. Entries are now open for this special event. We will be having a small celebration at lunch time after the AGM. Come out even just to say hi and have a chat. Hope to see you on the day.
Greg Woodbridge
Update on our Drivers Challenge. We have given it a go at letting the tracks dry out but sadly time has run out. They have not dried out enough for us to run the Drivers Challenge this Sunday. The track drainage work that we have begun over the last month has certainly helped but we still have a fair way to go yet with that work. Our next event is the 4 lap Open Sprint on Sunday 21 July and is now open for entries. Hope to see you all there for a great fun day of racing.
Regards from the very sad organising commiteee
To all our keen racers and volunteers who have entered or are helping with our Drivers Challenge this Sunday 7 July. The track is still quite damp after the 30 odd mm of rain that we received earlier this week. We are going to give it every opportunity to dry out and will defer our final go/no go decision until late tomorrow afternoon. Stay tuned and here is hoping that we have get enough dry weather to be able to run this great fun event on Sunday.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
Hi racers. It is yet again that we have sad news. We have been following the weather forecast all week and it hasn’t changed much, rain Saturday afternoon and night. We see that the GCTMC have postponed the 'Yeah the Girls' Khanacross scheduled this Sunday and also Willowbank Raceway (Drags) have also postponed their much awaited Winternat’s warm ups from tomorrow to Sunday/Monday both due to the anticipated dreaded rain. Therefore, we see no other option but to also cancel our much awaited Autocross Rd 1 this Sunday. We are truly gutted to have to make this all too familiar decision yet again. Our next planned race meeting is on the 23 June and details will be available early this coming week. Keep everything crossed for good weather to finally arrive here at Willowbank. Regards Greg Woodbridge.
To all our loyal racers who have entered Open Sprint Rd 1 this Sunday 19 May, it is again with heartbreaking news that the event organising committee have had to make the hard decision to again cancel this event. With the rain from last weekend and then again yesterday the track is still very wet this afternoon, and will not dry out sufficiently for Sunday. We are so, so sorry we have had to make this decision. Our next event Autocross Rd1 will be on 2 June and is now open for entries. If you have paid for this Sundays event and would like a refund, please email the club with your banking details, otherwise your event entry credit can be used at the next event. Hope to see you all on 2 June .
Regards from a very sad Greg Woodbridge
To all our loyal racers who have entered Autocross Rd 1 tomorrow 21 April.
Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. On top of the light rain on the track this afternoon and the overnight prediction of it continuing through to the morning , and the risk of thunderstorms, we have again had to make the heartbreaking decision to cancel tomorrows Autocross Rd 1 event. Our next event will be an Open Sprint on 19 May. If you have prepaid and would like a refund please email the Club with your banking details.
From a very sad Greg Woodbridge.
We are trying again for our first event of the year. Saturday 20 April is for IWMAC members only and is a test and Tune commencing at 1pm. Sunday 21 April is Autocross Rd 1 on the small inner track and is open to everyone and commences at 8.15am. All entries are on line through our web page. Check your Race Licence, dust off the race cars, make sure they start and put in your entries for a great weekend of racing.
See you there. Greg Woodbridge.
Again the weather has been against us with the this unexpected large quantity of rain received over the last 12 hrs. The track is very wet and will not dry out in time for either of our planned events, Test n Tune or Open Sprint Rd 1 this weekend. There is also a sink hole that has opened up on the back straight of the Sprint track and appears to be quite unstable at this point. Until it is dry enough to get on the track with machinery, we deem it too unsafe for any form of motorsport. Due to the CMC music festival in March, our next event is not until the 20/21 April weekend. Regards Greg Woodbridge
To our keen racers. The weather has not been kind once again. With the recent rain and further forecasts for this week, the track is too wet to get on and do the necessary preparation. Hence we have had to make the hard but correct decision to cancel this weekends Autocross Rd 1 on 21 January. All who have paid will be able to keep their entry fee as a credit for the next event you race in, or if you so choose we can refund your entry fee if you send an email with your banking details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Greg Woodbridge
Again the weather has been against us. After the rain at Willowbank over the last 2 days resulting in approx 70mm of rain, the forecast of further showers/storms for much of the remainder of this week and our track inspection yesterday, we have had to make the hard decision to cancel this Saturday's race meeting.
The IWMAC annual dinner and awards presentation will still be on at the Club rooms on Saturday evening, from 5.30pm. Dinner will be at approx. 7pm with the awards commencing at approx. 7.30pm. If you have any great photos or memorabilia please bring them along to share. Please come along for a great evening and help support our Club. If you havn't already done, so please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for catering purposes. Meals $10 per head.
Kind Regards
Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers who have entered the Drivers Challenge for this Sunday 26 November. After yesterdays rain and then the deluge last night resulting in over 75mm of rain, our track inspection this afternoon and the forecast of further showers this week has resulted in the track not being dry enough to undertake the required preparation works before Sunday. Hence we have had to make the hard decision to cancel the Drivers Challenge event. For any one who has paid for the event, your entry fee will be held as a credit for your next event or a refund if you let us know by email with your banking details. Our next event is the Day/Twilight Open Sprint on Saturday 2 December and is open for entries.
Greg Woodbridge
Track update for those who have entered our Autocross Rd 4 tomorrow, 1 October 2023. After this mornings track inspection, we will be having our event tomorrow but it will be the 2 lap autocross on the big track. Looking forward to a good day of racing. See you there.
Greg Woodbridge
To all our racers who have entered our Autocross this Sunday. The track did receive some rain yesterday afternoon and we believe that it will be good for Sunday, but we will be making the final call at 9am tomorrow ie Saturday morning. Will keep you posted.
Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers who have entered our Autocross Rd 3 tomorrow. The track is looking fantastic and ready for a great days racing BUT please allow extra travel time in the morning as Powercruise is on and there will be a lot additional traffic. See you in the morning.
Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers who have entered our Autocross Rd 3 on this Sunday 9 July 2023. Due to the rain that the track received this week, and a track inspection this afternoon indicating that the track will not be dry enough to undertake the required preparation works before Sunday. Hence sadly we have had to cancel this Sundays Autocross Rd 3. Our next event will be on Sunday 30 July 2023 and will be open for entries within the next few days. Regards Greg Woodbridge.
To all our keen racers who have entered our Open Sprint Rd 2 tomorrow Sunday 2 April 2023. Even after the storm of Thursday morning the track has dried out well and is all ready for Sunday. See you all bright and early for a great day of racing.
Greg Woodbridge
Hi extra keen racers. We have now been able to open our first event for 2023 for entries. It is the 4 lap Open Sprint Rd 1 on 29 January. Get your entries in quick. Looking forward to a great day of racing to kick the year off with.
Regards Greg Woodbridge.
Hi All,
With a bit of feedback and working our Saturday 10 December 2022 event will have an adjusted from day/night autocross, to a day/twilight open sprint.
Bring the whole family and your friends for a great day of fun racing. We will commence racing at 10am and run through to approx. 6pm.
We will be allowing passenger rides from 12.30 to 1.30pm.
Racing will finish at approx. 6pm.
Then there will be a chance to socialise with dinner being served at approx. 7pm.
The annual Club trophy presentation will commence at approx. 7:30pm.
There will be a lucky draw during the night. The rest of the evening will be for general chats and drinks. Plan ahead, and if you think you will not be able to drive home, pack your swag or tent and you will be able to stay overnight. The Club will have some drinks available but you can also BYO drinks if you like, but please no glass bottles where possible.
As a competitor your meal will be free, but all other adults will be $10 a head, children under 14, $5. There will be gluten free options available.
Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all meals by Tuesday 6 December for catering purposes. All meals must be paid by direct debit by Friday 9 December unless prior arrangements made.
See you on 10 December for a great fun, social, end of year event.
Regards Greg Woodbridge and the IWMAC Team
Hi all racers. The weather again has not been kind to us. The track has received over 30mm since Wednesday this week and the forecast is not looking good for tomorrow or Sunday. So after this afternoons track inspection, sadly we have no option but to cancel the Open Sprint Rd 5 this Sunday 23 October 2022. Our next event is an Autocross on Sunday 6 November 2022 and will be open for entries early next week. Regards Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers entered for our Autocross tomorrow. Sadly the weather has been against us again. With all the rain this week and this mornings track inspection, we have found the track still too wet to undertake any maintenance today. We have had to cancel our Autocross scheduled for tomorrow. Any prepaid entry fees will be able to be used as a credit for future events. Our AGM planned for tomorrow is postponed to our next event which is our Day Night Autocross on Saturday 4 December 2021. Get your entries in for this as it is our last event of the year including AGM, Annual Trophy Presentation and Dinner.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
Dear Members,
There has been some discussion around the vehicles that Juniors are allowed to drive during our Club's competition, re Auto Cross and Open Sprints etc. After much research and discussion within the Committee and with Motorsport Australia we the Committee have agreed to an amendment to the Current Junior A Class rules. Note! There is no Changes to the Current Junior Class.
No Changes to Current Junior Class: This is the preferred option for Juniors.
Note - as it is expected that Juniors are relatively inexperienced, our club’s preference for safety reasons is that Juniors are not to run 4WD/AWD, V8's or turbo/supercharged cars. To make way for all Juniors to participate in our sport Juniors wishing to compete in a car that is outside the current Junior (J) Class may nominate their car of choice.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss these changes feel free to contact me any time.
Kevin Parkes VP
0419 676 668
Cheers Greg Woodbridge
Hi Avid Racers,
The farmers will be happy with the rain we have had here in Ipswich this week but we are a bit concerned regarding our Open Sprint Round 2 event this Sunday 21 March 2021. The IWMAC organising committee will be doing a track inspection on Friday morning the 19 March and making a call then on whether or not our event will go ahead on Sunday.
This Event has Been Postponed due to Wet Weather
Greg Woodbridge
29 Mar 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC Track Work |
01 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
01 Apr 2025; 07:00PM - 10:00PM IWMAC Committee Meeting |
05 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
06 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM Autocross RD1 |
08 Apr 2025; 07:00PM - 10:00PM IWMAC Committee Meeting |
18 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM Easter |
22 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
26 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
27 Apr 2025; 08:00AM - 05:00PM Open Sprint RD2 |